Why I’m Running
I’m running to change the way Leawood governs, engages with & responds to its citizens.
Everybody can agree that there’s lots to like about our lovely city, but behind the scenes there’s a need for additional work to bring the city into the 21st Century.
So, here’s what I’d focus on.
Augment Professional Capabilities of City Government
Rather than requiring a “learning curve” (like most Council members), I’m ready to begin adding value on Day 1. With professional degrees in law, business (KU JD/MBA) & tax (UMKC LLM) and career stints in turnaround/change management assignments and 15 years of economic development work, I have the background and experience to make me a solution-finder/change-agent out of the box.
Reforming the Government Law-Making Process
Every law (new, revised, rescinded, etc.) should start with an investigation of facts, written input from staff, at least 2 readings of the resulting statute on the agenda for public discussion and a vote. Passing changes to the City Code to require this (or similar processes) will solve for the failures so many folks I’ve talked to complain about - lack of communication, engagement, transparency (and compassion) from the City. Further, anyone with an apparent or identifiable direct or indirect conflict on a subject – Mayor, Council, Staff - should be removed from the process of lawmaking in that regard.
Budget Re-Prioritization & Tax Relief for Homeowners
Instead of a paid driver for the Mayor (one of the richest people in the State of Kansas), how
about relief for those facing mounting property tax bills – like our parents and grandparents? As an economic development professional, I know many ways to achieve this goal whether by exemption, exclusion or otherwise. Further, we need the City to be proactively looking for federal and state partnering opportunities to upgrade/expand our city infrastructure - with historic dollars available for a few more years, we can still build the City we want, but potentially at a lower cost to taxpayers.
Government Accountability
The Council should be required to address citizens during public meetings when directly questioned. As it currently stands, we only have a right to talk at them and that for less and less time (down from 5 to 3 minutes since 2022) over the last 2 years. If elected, I’ll work to change the dynamic of Citizen Comment to Citizen Engagement, requiring councilmembers to answer citizen questions – no ifs, ands or buts.
Proactive Input to Johnson County & Kansas Government
Our City has been silent and at beat reactive to events in our County and State. Given that we fund both of those levels of government, why aren’t we working to shape opinion in support of a richer, more diverse, less hostile, more fact-based community? Because the Mayor and City Council don’t want to. If elected, I promise to use the megaphone provided by my office to advocate for Ward 1’s people and priorities – especially those under legislative assault from the State. Women should enjoy their bodily autonomy without interference. Transgender kids should be able to get medical treatment in conjunction with their parents’ consent. And the Johnson County Sheriff should be impeached for his continuing refusal to end his meritless investigation into the most free, fair and secure election in the history of our country.
In short, progress requires change and change can be painful. I get that you might read this and say “can’t we just keep things like they are?” Sure, just vote for anybody but #BrettellforLeawood and you’ll get exactly that.